What is Cybersecurity Awareness Month?

It was launched in October 2004 and managed by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCA). The goal has been to build collaboration between government and private industry to raise awareness about digital security and empower everyone to protect their personal data from digital forms of crime.

The Main Messages involve: Multi-Factor Authentication, Password Management, Updating Software, and Phishing Attacks. We at MCS wanted to expand on this and elevate towards a level of business impact. To do this, we created:  “5 Weeks of Security” campaign that introduces new technologies that can make a significant impact within an organization to better secure users and data.

5 Weeks of Security

Week 1

Cycognito – External Attack Risk Exposure

Rule your Risk – Discover business structure and assets using our advance discovery to reveal your entire internet exposed attack surface.

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Week 2

Automox – Patch everything. Automate anything.

Monitor, assess and remediate any corporate system that is connected to the internet. All your endpoints, Always configured, Always secured.

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Week 3

Teleport – Secure Access, Zero Passwords

An Identity-Native Infrastructure Access tool for engineers and machines. Using ephemeral certificates and a zero trust design, it prevents phishing and has integrations with over 170+ cloud resources.

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Week 4

Island – Secure SaaS and Web Access where it matters most

Island, the Enterprise Browser, moves IT controls & security protections to the place where applications, data, and users intersect: the browser. Move beyond VDI to deliver a fast, familiar browser which protects applications and data with flexible policy controls, ideal for the workspace.

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Week 5

One Identity – Your Multi-Purpose Tool for AD/Azure AD

Remove native controls for human users, with fine grain permissions specific to each user and ability to give just in time access. Mitigate the human error risk with data integrity policies that ensure every object meets your organizations data standards and requirements.

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